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Have you ever walked the earth and felt yourself intimately connected to life, knowing a deep sense of belonging?


Through the practice of natural crafts, ethnobotany and ancestral skills, Weaving in the Wild aims to restore our connection to and relationship with the natural world. We facilitate immersive experiences, where skills such as basketmaking, natural dying, foraging and medicine making, may be practised - supporting people to rewild, reconnect, and rediscover their place in the world.

Because enchantment, by my definition, has nothing to do with fantasy, or escapism or magical thinking: it is founded on a vivid sense of belongingness to a rich and many-layered world. An enchanted life is deeply emboided, ecological, grounded in place and commnunity. It understands the myths we live by. It loves the folkloric, the handcrafted, the practice of traditional skills. It respects wild things, recognises the wisdom of the crow, seeks out the medicine of plants. Above all, to live an enchanted life is to fall in love with the world all over again." Sharon Blackie, The Enchanted Life 

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